Q2 2021

Camino Financial’s quarterly analysis points to emerging credit demand among smaller Latino-Owned Businesses (LOBs) with the intention to invest in digitalization.

Credit scores for Latino applicants remain stagnant compared to their non-Latino counterparts

Non-Latino credit scores are at historical highs with an average credit score of 657, indicating that the average balance sheet of non-LOBs is stronger, potentially attributed to more access to COVID-related stimulus funds.

In comparison, Latino applicants’ credit score remained stagnant in Q2 ’21 with an average credit score of 641.



Latino entrepreneurs are beginning to demand credit again

In Q2 ’21, the percentage of applications from new LOBs (< than a year in business) grew to 26%, indicating Latino entrepreneurs are optimistic about the market and willing to invest in their entrepreneurial endeavors.


In Q2 ’21, the percentage of applications from new LOBs grew to 26%.

LOBs are investing towards their digital future


In order to keep up with digital trends, 42% of LOBs surveyed are planning on investing in social networks such as Facebook marketplace or the Instagram store to attract more customers.


Likewise, 59% of LOBs surveyed are adding new products or services that meet the needs of their new customers.

LOBs inch towards digital adoption

Within the last 6 months, 18% of LOBs surveyed reported that over 50% of their revenue is generated online vs. offline, indicating that LOBs adapted to their new consumer needs during COVID pivoting towards digitalizing their businesses.


18% of LOBs surveyed reported that over 50% of their revenue is generated online vs. offline


In terms of payment methods, our survey suggests that 33% of LOBs are adding more digital methods to accommodate their new consumer preferences.

View past quarters

Q1 2021

This quaterly issue follows the impact of COVID-19 on Latino-Owned Businesses (“LOBs”) after the resurgence of the virus and reclosure of the economy between June and August 2020.

Q4 2020

This edition of the survey marks exactly one year since Camino Financial released its first Quarterly issue. We take this opportunity to review the year and highlight the impact of COVID on access to credit by Latino-Owned Businesses (LOBs).